Email promotion is still a highly effective internet marketing strategy, although the advent of spam and the overuse of this medium has somewhat diluted the effects.

That said, if email promotion is combined with a good internet marketing automation strategy, this can result in increased sales, and customer loyalty.

It is certainly too soon to cut email promotions from your internet marketing line up, but like all advertising mediums that become crowded with age, you need to work really hard to stand out above the crowd.

Any records

Here are several tips to help you beat off the competition and make the most of your email promotions:

  • Don't sell via email, rather use the opportunity to build a relationship with your prospects
  • Make it easy for people to unsubscribe so that you avoid spam complaints
  • Use an Autoresponder service such as Aweber to automate the task of sending out emails
  • Use follow up autoresponder's rather than email broadcasts to ensure that prospects receive information as and when they request it.
  • Don't send too many Autoresponder follow ups (no more than 7 every 14 days to) to ensure you don't harass your prospects
  • Encourage prospects to respond to the emails with questions and comments
  • Take the time to reply to all emails in person to prove that you are a real human being and not some computer program
  • Respond to email within 24 hours to show that you are a real business committed to your prospects needs
Finally and most importantly, when you write and email copy, keep it short, sweet and to the point, as people are already overwhelmed with the amount of email in their inboxes.

Good Luck and Happy Marketing.

Few samples:
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